Meet Dr. Jill Stape & Dr. Dominic Stape

About Dr. Jill Stape
Dr. Jill Stape began concentrating on treating infertility around 10 years ago; 6 years into practicing traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Wholistic Kinesiology.
A friend of hers was undergoing IVF. She had heard of a study in 2002 in which acupuncture done just prior to and just following an embryo transfer increased pregnancy rates by 17%. Her friend asked the doctor performing the transfer if Dr. Stape could perform the acupuncture to increase her chances of pregnancy. He said yes, and Dr. Stape’s path to becoming an infertility specialist began. And that baby is now a teenager!
Since then, Dr. Stape has become a fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM) treated hundreds of women and men with a complex and varied cases of infertility with success, and has been the main acupuncturist working with New Mexico’s most successful fertility clinics. She works with Dr. Jim Thompson from The Fertility Center of New Mexico and Dr. Lee Caperton of Caperton Fertility Instititute.
She has a heart and passion for helping people have babies.
Dr. Stape also taken extensive continuing education courses since 2008 to stay current on fertility treatment. Her extensive herbal and nutritional knowledge pairs perfectly with her specialized fertility acupuncture to give individuals the best chance to become holistically healthy and therefore fertile.
She is a Chinese herbalist, Wholistic Kinesiologist, and Wellness Advocate for Doterra essential oils. She is happy to speak to anyone interested in her treatment and would love to be part of your path to fertility!

About Dr. Dominic Stape, D.O.M.
Dr. Dominic Stape, D.O.M. earned his Bachelors of Science degree in Biology and Chemistry Studies at the University of New Mexico. He was a research scientist for eight years at UNM Medical School studying cancer, anti-anxiety drugs and allergies. He also spent a period as a diagnostic genetic technician, diagnosing amniocentesis, bone marrow, products of conception samples and working in the tissue culture lab.
His ambition to be a clinician inspired him to study Chinese Medicine in 1999. He then received his Masters of Science degree in Chinese Medicine at the International Institute of Chinese Medicine in Albuquerque, NM.
Since then, Dr. Stape continues to further his knowledge in Chinese Medicine. He is dedicated to working with prestigious institutions and attending health care seminars throughout the country. He is renowned for the successful treatment of various stress related disorders including, but not limited to: headaches, sinus trouble, insomnia, fatigue, shoulder pain, neck pain, lower back pain, mood swings and digestive difficulty.
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Location and Hours
Natural Life Acupuncture & Wellness
1012 Eubank Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
(505) 298-4325
Office Hours:
Tue: 8:30 – 6:00
Wed: 12:00 – 6:00
Thu: 8:30 – 6:00
Fri: 8:30 – 3:30